Since our first trip to Uganda in August 2008, every team for the Ugandan Water Project visits the small village of Jokolera.  This mall community about 30 minutes outside of Kampala is little more that a handful of mud and brick homes scattered along the 2 or 3 red dirt roads that loosely connect the village. The first rainwater tank we installed here was installed on what our teams refer to as “Stick Church”  as simple pole structure with a tin roof that serves as both a church and the only school in Jokolera.

Students from the Charles Finney School share music at Jokolera School

Team #8 – 18 people from the Rochester, NY area came to Jokolera early in the morning and received a colorful greeting of smiles and songs from the young students.  In return we shared greetings and music as well.  Students from the Charles Finney School sang and played guitar much to the delight of the children.

View of the unfinished teacher's quarters in Jokolera

Second Rainwater Tank at Jokolera sponsored by Bower Hill and Upper St Claire Rotary

A second rainwater tank was recently installed thanks to the sponsorship of Bower Hill Community Church and The Rotary Club of Upper St Clair in Pittsburgh, PA.  This tank is fed by the rain running off the new school building that is nearly finished.

Two of the schools teachers currently live more than 4 miles away and walk for over an hour every morning and every evening to get to and from work.  The new school block has two rooms on the end of the building designated for teachers quarters but were unfinished when our team visited.  Members of our team were impacted at the dedication of these teachers and struck by the distance they currently walk.  Several team members contributed enough funds to finish the two rooms.  We look forward to seeing these rooms finished and in use when our next team comes in May.
